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cullen - not the jedi he should be.

Cullen Thelyss
Cullen Thelyss
Avatar : Andrew Garfield
Holopad :
cullen - not the jedi he should be. B81e122108dbfd2feafc4575e546e717b9a8c9ed

--- cullen thelyss.

You could warn me when I do something bad. Blink once for dark side, twice for light.

playlist ϟ  pinterest

cullen - not the jedi he should be. IMG_4897 cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_inline_omz4t1v5AG1rfxlzz_100 cullen - not the jedi he should be. IMG_4895

I'm not doing this for the Republic. I'm not doing it for you. I'm not even doing it for me. I'm doing it for everyone that will come after us. We might never live to see the horrors that are coming, but they will. We have to protect the Republic for them. We have to risk our chance at happiness so they can have a life we might never know.

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. 6639e0efa1e2cd3acc0852f6ee41e647abcbafaf

--- jedi knight.

He no longer clung to the simplistic ideals of right and wrong or good and evil. He understood better than anyone that dark and light were intertwined in strange and complex ways.

rp ϟ rp ϟ rp

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. Ztu0


Cullen Thelyss

feat. andrew garfield

Âge Trente-trois ans.
Origines Né sur la planète de Chandrila, un voyou au grand coeur, incapable de tenir en place, il espère y revenir maintenant que sa formation est terminée, visiter sa famille qu'il n'a pas vu depuis des années.
Métier Chevalier Jedi, membre de la nouvelle Ecole de la Force, prêt à rejoindre les rangs de la Milice pour agir contre la violence et le chaos qui parcourt la galaxie.
Groupe Jedi.
Myocarde Aucun attachement depuis un crush durant sa formation, il vadrouille le coeur battant, sans savoir s'il trouvera la perle rare.  
Sensible à la Force Sensible et formé à l'usage de la Force.
Caractère Cullen est quelqu'un d'extrêment passionné et de dévoué aux autres, au point d'en devenir un défaut : il est prêt à partir en guerre pour protéger ne serait-ce qu'une vie innocente. Le caractère espiècle et facétieux du jeune Jedi est contrebalancé par une intelligence aigüe et un charisme en partie hérité de ses parents. Vouée d'une envie toujours plus grande d'apprendre, qu'il s'agisse de la Force ou de sujets plus concrets, il est notamment grandement intéressé par les tactiques militaires et par l'histoire, deux sujets qui modèlent son attraction pour des figures contreversées des temps passées.  L'humour et le sarcasme se mélangent pour former un bouclier pour portéger ses blessures, et il est extrèmement loyal envers ses proches.
Crédits mooncalf (avatar)

Idées de liens

M/F/NB. titre du lienWhatever can be captured in words can be conquered with understanding. Design is all about fucking relationships—the relationship of form and content, the relationship of elements, the relationship of designer and user.

M/F/NB. titre du lienWhatever can be captured in words can be conquered with understanding. Design is all about fucking relationships—the relationship of form and content, the relationship of elements, the relationship of designer and user.

Les liens

cullen - not the jedi he should be. E93adbc6db0e8085f8ceac2f48a0e6e44ebb74b3
Rehan Lavellan  sweet prohibited fruit étrange chose, les rencontres inopinées, fortuites et entièrement dûes au hasard. les pas du jedi l'ont mené vers la rousse, attirée par sa sensibilité à la force, sans s'attendre à tomber sur une mère et sa fille, toutes deux sensibles à la force. elle est mature, indépendante, distante, un fruit défendu qu'il vaudrait mieux éviter.

cullen - not the jedi he should be. Ca288f92f1cdde2282541e11acf6b1f4e4f01755
Mivzsa Hinereyn  Titre du lien While having drinks with Tibor Kalman one night, he told me, “When you make something no one hates, no one fucking loves it.” Design as if your fucking life depended on it. Design as if your fucking life depended on it. Intuition is fucking important. If you fucking give up, you will achieve nothing.

cullen - not the jedi he should be. D20464ab100ef21c16d91b02b1c399952510873b
Meetra Thek  Little Sister les deux se sont rencontrés durant leur formation sous Luke, à l'époque du Nouvel Ordre Jedi. le lien qui s'est créé est si fort qu'il la considère comme une vraie soeur, plus que sa fratrie biologique. ils se sont perdus de vue après la chute de l'Ordre et se sont récemment retrouvés, par le hasard des choses. pleurs, tristesses et retrouvailles s'ensuivirent.

cullen - not the jedi he should be. C4497a28bcba886f3c66345eff89923ae2261918
Galen Kale  Titre du lien While having drinks with Tibor Kalman one night, he told me, “When you make something no one hates, no one fucking loves it.” Design as if your fucking life depended on it. Design as if your fucking life depended on it. Intuition is fucking important. If you fucking give up, you will achieve nothing.

cullen - not the jedi he should be. Cf1e9f14e2824625daf0313db99cde82d24751bd
Ralkorb Sunfor  Titre du lien While having drinks with Tibor Kalman one night, he told me, “When you make something no one hates, no one fucking loves it.” Design as if your fucking life depended on it. Design as if your fucking life depended on it. Intuition is fucking important. If you fucking give up, you will achieve nothing.

cullen - not the jedi he should be. 5a426dcb9abfb4da373f9f7eb82a1ef1a92a00cf
Gwen Yesmeth  you're not like the rest Qu'est-ce qui est si différent chez elle ? c'est la question que se pose sans cesse cullen, lorsqu'il arrive à respirer et penser aux côtés de la mère au foyer. leur rencontre aurait très bien pu ne jamais arriver si on ne l'avait pas choisi pour cette mission de protection. et maintenant, il était dévoué corps et âme à cette mission. il donnerait sa vie pour cette femme et son enfant. il essaye d'éviter de penser à ce que ca implique, à ce qu'il serait prêt à accepter, si elle n'avait qu'un regard, qu'un soupir, qu'une demande dans ce sens.
Rehan Lavellan
Rehan Lavellan
Avatar : Elizabeth Olsen.
Holopad :
cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_inline_nvc0afUnzw1qlt39u_250

--- rehan lavellan.

And you will go to Ajan Kloss, with a vision of a gentle coast and a sun to maybe dissipate shadows of the mess you made.
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cullen - not the jedi he should be. Y0u0

--- family without blood.

Shall we look at the moon, my little loon ? Why do you cry ? Make the most of your life, while it is rife, while it is light.

cullen - not the jedi he should be. O395

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. 67202600420ea737a8dbe60dd766e823f2657c09

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_inline_p9td1aZZrW1t9ndkh_540 cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_inline_p9tdq8ET8K1t9ndkh_540 cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_inline_p9tdsej9gU1t9ndkh_540

”You haven’t seen me mean. When you do, you’ll require a very big hanky.” ”To dry my tears ?” "To stop the bleeding."

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. 6gxf

--- valkyrie.

They said she was cruel because she'd been harmed in the past. They claimed she was cold because she just hadn't met the right fellow to warm her. Anything to soften her edges and sweeten her disposition—and what was the fun in that ? Her company was like strong drink. Bracing— and best to abstain if you couldn't handle the kick.

ikaar ϟ v. ϟ seven ϟ jay ϟ exvind ϟ elizand

cullen - not the jedi he should be. Gnkz

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. 2431399927
Cullen Thelyss
Cullen Thelyss
Avatar : Andrew Garfield
Holopad :
cullen - not the jedi he should be. B81e122108dbfd2feafc4575e546e717b9a8c9ed

--- cullen thelyss.

You could warn me when I do something bad. Blink once for dark side, twice for light.

playlist ϟ  pinterest

cullen - not the jedi he should be. IMG_4897 cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_inline_omz4t1v5AG1rfxlzz_100 cullen - not the jedi he should be. IMG_4895

I'm not doing this for the Republic. I'm not doing it for you. I'm not even doing it for me. I'm doing it for everyone that will come after us. We might never live to see the horrors that are coming, but they will. We have to protect the Republic for them. We have to risk our chance at happiness so they can have a life we might never know.

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. 6639e0efa1e2cd3acc0852f6ee41e647abcbafaf

--- jedi knight.

He no longer clung to the simplistic ideals of right and wrong or good and evil. He understood better than anyone that dark and light were intertwined in strange and complex ways.

rp ϟ rp ϟ rp

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. Ztu0


Hello, young lady cullen - not the jedi he should be. 4228499428 Come here often ? cullen - not the jedi he should be. 3277547042
Rehan Lavellan
Rehan Lavellan
Avatar : Elizabeth Olsen.
Holopad :
cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_inline_nvc0afUnzw1qlt39u_250

--- rehan lavellan.

And you will go to Ajan Kloss, with a vision of a gentle coast and a sun to maybe dissipate shadows of the mess you made.
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cullen - not the jedi he should be. Y0u0

--- family without blood.

Shall we look at the moon, my little loon ? Why do you cry ? Make the most of your life, while it is rife, while it is light.

cullen - not the jedi he should be. O395

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. 67202600420ea737a8dbe60dd766e823f2657c09

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_inline_p9td1aZZrW1t9ndkh_540 cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_inline_p9tdq8ET8K1t9ndkh_540 cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_inline_p9tdsej9gU1t9ndkh_540

”You haven’t seen me mean. When you do, you’ll require a very big hanky.” ”To dry my tears ?” "To stop the bleeding."

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. 6gxf

--- valkyrie.

They said she was cruel because she'd been harmed in the past. They claimed she was cold because she just hadn't met the right fellow to warm her. Anything to soften her edges and sweeten her disposition—and what was the fun in that ? Her company was like strong drink. Bracing— and best to abstain if you couldn't handle the kick.

ikaar ϟ v. ϟ seven ϟ jay ϟ exvind ϟ elizand

cullen - not the jedi he should be. Gnkz

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Oui mais eske tu bz ?
Cullen Thelyss
Cullen Thelyss
Avatar : Andrew Garfield
Holopad :
cullen - not the jedi he should be. B81e122108dbfd2feafc4575e546e717b9a8c9ed

--- cullen thelyss.

You could warn me when I do something bad. Blink once for dark side, twice for light.

playlist ϟ  pinterest

cullen - not the jedi he should be. IMG_4897 cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_inline_omz4t1v5AG1rfxlzz_100 cullen - not the jedi he should be. IMG_4895

I'm not doing this for the Republic. I'm not doing it for you. I'm not even doing it for me. I'm doing it for everyone that will come after us. We might never live to see the horrors that are coming, but they will. We have to protect the Republic for them. We have to risk our chance at happiness so they can have a life we might never know.

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. 6639e0efa1e2cd3acc0852f6ee41e647abcbafaf

--- jedi knight.

He no longer clung to the simplistic ideals of right and wrong or good and evil. He understood better than anyone that dark and light were intertwined in strange and complex ways.

rp ϟ rp ϟ rp

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. Ztu0


si t'es sage oui. cullen - not the jedi he should be. 3277547042
Mivzsa Hinereyn
Mivzsa Hinereyn
Avatar : Calahan Skogman
Holopad :

cullen - not the jedi he should be. F1801fcb80414924b5d7eae8b3982c43d66d943e


Ici - Ici - Ici


Yo pâte à l'eau
J'ordonne un lien
Meetra Thek
Meetra Thek
Avatar : Alycia Debnam-Carey
Holopad :
cullen - not the jedi he should be. H2HFzX
Flashback : Mivzsa #1 ; Ralkorb #5

Actual time : Galen #3 Cullen#1 Ralkorb #6 Zeon #5 Gabriel #2 Ralkorb #7 ; Devon #3

cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_o7ihz3zBpz1vshpo0o9_250 cullen - not the jedi he should be. BgLA5PL


@Cullen Thelyss

Comme on avait pas eu l'occasion de se croiser sur l'ancienne version, c'est le moment de se trouver quelque chose si tu veux bien de moi (a)
Cullen Thelyss
Cullen Thelyss
Avatar : Andrew Garfield
Holopad :
cullen - not the jedi he should be. B81e122108dbfd2feafc4575e546e717b9a8c9ed

--- cullen thelyss.

You could warn me when I do something bad. Blink once for dark side, twice for light.

playlist ϟ  pinterest

cullen - not the jedi he should be. IMG_4897 cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_inline_omz4t1v5AG1rfxlzz_100 cullen - not the jedi he should be. IMG_4895

I'm not doing this for the Republic. I'm not doing it for you. I'm not even doing it for me. I'm doing it for everyone that will come after us. We might never live to see the horrors that are coming, but they will. We have to protect the Republic for them. We have to risk our chance at happiness so they can have a life we might never know.

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. 6639e0efa1e2cd3acc0852f6ee41e647abcbafaf

--- jedi knight.

He no longer clung to the simplistic ideals of right and wrong or good and evil. He understood better than anyone that dark and light were intertwined in strange and complex ways.

rp ϟ rp ϟ rp

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. Ztu0


@Mivzsa Hinereyn J'apprécie pas beaucoup les ordres cullen - not the jedi he should be. 1087697338 Mais ca passe parce que c'est toi I love you Tu as déjà une idée ou on regarde ça ensemble ?

@Meetra Thek Mmmh j'hésite Rolling Eyes Tu recherches des choses en particulier ?
Meetra Thek
Meetra Thek
Avatar : Alycia Debnam-Carey
Holopad :
cullen - not the jedi he should be. H2HFzX
Flashback : Mivzsa #1 ; Ralkorb #5

Actual time : Galen #3 Cullen#1 Ralkorb #6 Zeon #5 Gabriel #2 Ralkorb #7 ; Devon #3

cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_o7ihz3zBpz1vshpo0o9_250 cullen - not the jedi he should be. BgLA5PL


@Cullen Thelyss

Pas spécialement. J'ai cru comprendre en survolant ta fiche que Cullen faisait partie de la génération des nouveaux Jedi, quand Luke a reformé l'académie. Meetra y était durant cette période. Elle était plus jeune que Cullen. Il pouvait être un peu le grand frère qu'elle avait perdu ? Meetra était une gentille fille. Un peu chiante mais attachante ^^ (une attachiante quoi)

Ca t'plairait ?
Cullen Thelyss
Cullen Thelyss
Avatar : Andrew Garfield
Holopad :
cullen - not the jedi he should be. B81e122108dbfd2feafc4575e546e717b9a8c9ed

--- cullen thelyss.

You could warn me when I do something bad. Blink once for dark side, twice for light.

playlist ϟ  pinterest

cullen - not the jedi he should be. IMG_4897 cullen - not the jedi he should be. Tumblr_inline_omz4t1v5AG1rfxlzz_100 cullen - not the jedi he should be. IMG_4895

I'm not doing this for the Republic. I'm not doing it for you. I'm not even doing it for me. I'm doing it for everyone that will come after us. We might never live to see the horrors that are coming, but they will. We have to protect the Republic for them. We have to risk our chance at happiness so they can have a life we might never know.

◊   ◊   ◊   ◊

cullen - not the jedi he should be. 6639e0efa1e2cd3acc0852f6ee41e647abcbafaf

--- jedi knight.

He no longer clung to the simplistic ideals of right and wrong or good and evil. He understood better than anyone that dark and light were intertwined in strange and complex ways.

rp ϟ rp ϟ rp

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cullen - not the jedi he should be. Ztu0


Oui, il faisait partie du Nouvel Ordre Jedi, qui s'est fait détruire juste avant la fin de sa formation cullen - not the jedi he should be. 2050459993 Vu qu'il n'était pas présent au moment de la destruction, il s'est coupé de la Force dans une espèce de pénitence jusqu'à la fin de la Guerre, après la bataille d'Exegol, où il revient ! Je vois bien cette relation de grand frère et petite soeur, mais ca peut être encore plus drama si ils ne sont pas certains que l'autre est vivant et qu'ils se retrouvent cullen - not the jedi he should be. 1989955815 cullen - not the jedi he should be. 1989955815
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