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Ruby + la main de la vengeance

Ruby Valross
Ruby Valross
Avatar : Emeraude Toubia
Holopad : Ruby + la main de la vengeance  Bc8f8bc625ca2a104cf24de899fcd555a7fd91e0

Ruby Valross

feat. Emeraude Toubia

Age Trente-trois ans que sa carcasse vit
Origines Corellia
Métier - Grade Pilote, fut pilote pour la Marine Impériale, lointain souvenir dû à ses excès d'orgueil et de zèle, erre aujourd'hui en prêtant ses talents au plus offrant, marchandant et commerçant ce qu'elle trouve la plupart du temps
Groupe Hors la loi
Myocarde desséché, désarticulé, appartenant jadis à un fantôme, empreint de noirceur aujourd'hui
Sensible à la Force oui mais l'ignore
Caractère ière, vicieuse, roublarde, séductrice, égoïste, orgueilleuse, têtue, tête brûlée, pense toujours avoir raison, attentionnée, serviable, rancunière, intelligente, cérémonieuse, superficielle en apparence, maligne, menteuse, joueuse, toujours en quête de reconnaissance et d'une approbation d'une quelconque sorte, l'ambition maquillant son manque de repères
Crédits prettygirl

Idées de liens

M/F/NB. titre du lienWhatever can be captured in words can be conquered with understanding. Design is all about fucking relationships—the relationship of form and content, the relationship of elements, the relationship of designer and user.

M/F/NB. titre du lienWhatever can be captured in words can be conquered with understanding. Design is all about fucking relationships—the relationship of form and content, the relationship of elements, the relationship of designer and user.

Les liens

Ruby + la main de la vengeance  1467851366-star-wars-bb8-droid-toy

Ruby + la main de la vengeance  1467851366-star-wars-bb8-droid-toy

Ruby + la main de la vengeance  1467851366-star-wars-bb8-droid-toy

Ruby + la main de la vengeance  1467851366-star-wars-bb8-droid-toy

Ruby Valross
Ruby Valross
Avatar : Emeraude Toubia
Holopad : Ruby + la main de la vengeance  Bc8f8bc625ca2a104cf24de899fcd555a7fd91e0

+1 au cas où !
Gamora Kelso
Gamora Kelso
Avatar : victoria pedretti
Holopad :
Ruby + la main de la vengeance  157657c963a129409e4c9d2ce99946c9b277c981

--- gamora kelso.

I hate you for what you did and I miss you like a little kid. I faked it every time, but that's alright I can hardly feel anything, I hardly feel anything at all. I have emotional motion sickness, somebody roll the windows down, there are no words in the basic language I could scream to drown you out.
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Ruby + la main de la vengeance  Kcbc

--- hanora.

On our way to the sky we're gonna look down on tonight, when we die, you and I, two heartbreak soldiers. When you lay by my side I see the whole world through your eyes, ride or die, you and I.
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Ruby + la main de la vengeance  Um7u

--- devora.

So lift up my body and lose all control, I'm giving you all. We are the same it's perfectly strange, you run in my veins. How can I keep you inside my lungs ? I breathe what is yours, you breathe what is mine.

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Ruby + la main de la vengeance  7085600f3cd3a2f4551292c2605761229e42e4ce

You see, your fight for survival starts right now. You don't want to be judged ? You won't be. You don't think you're strong enough ? You are. You're afraid. Don't be. You have all the weapons you need. Now fight.

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Ruby + la main de la vengeance  Tumblr_or6uvdnLmX1rlheeoo4_r1_540

han ϟ devon

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☾ ϟ ☾ ϟ ☾ ϟ ☾ ϟ ☾ ϟ ☾ ϟ ☾ ϟ ☾ ϟ


Ruby + la main de la vengeance  2431399927
Ruby Valross
Ruby Valross
Avatar : Emeraude Toubia
Holopad : Ruby + la main de la vengeance  Bc8f8bc625ca2a104cf24de899fcd555a7fd91e0

Oh mais carrément, t'avais une idée ? Du positif, négatif ? I love you
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